“Snow Patrol have revealed that they are planning to return to the studio and hope to release their sixth studio album in 2011.”
So, the date has been confirmed and we can only hope it lives up to expectations, and knowing snow patrol, it will.
The bands previous album, “A hundred million suns”, Released on The 24th of October 2008, Debuted at #2 in the UK with sales of 100,330, And was very impressive.
The album was more cheerful than compared to their last albums, But no known theme for the upcoming album has been revealed.
Snow patrol has been known to live up to expectations, although their previous album received generally mixed reviews, It was well received by the fans.
This far into it, We can only speculate how the album will be, but if it is anything like their previous work, It should be fairly impressive.
- Irvine & JB.
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